
Fuck Off With Your curl | sh

Fuck off with your curl something something something | sh to install your tool.

And this is not about security. I trust HTTPS. I trust you. But I want to know WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SYSTEM WITHOUT HAVING TO READ A FUCKING BASH SCRIPT IN A RANDOM URL. I just want to know how the installation of your tool work. What should be done to get your tool installed. Where are the paths? Which binaries?

Long story short, I was going to install "GHCup" which is a manager for Haskell or something, and the website told me to do a curl | sh to do shit in my system and have a ghcup command working. Fortunatelly, they had a link which read "I don't like curl | sh" right below the command line. I clicked it and it read something like this:

Manual installation for Unix

Download the binary from https://somewhere and put in your goddamn $PATH.


Do you fucking think I cannot understand how to download a fucking binary and put somewhere in my $PATH? JUST SAY TO ME FOR YOUR TOOL TO WORK I JUST NEED 1 (ONE) UNIT OF ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) SOMEWHERE IN THE FUCKING $PATH. I DON'T NEED A FUCKING BASH SCRIPT TO DO THAT.

Hell. That's why I like the go installation. They just say it to you: unpack the release somewhere. Put somewhere/bin in your $PATH. Now I know everything that's happening on my system. Fuck.

I'm not even doing the installation. I'm going to sleep, it's almost midnight at UTC-3. Tomorrow I'll maybe download your goddamn ELF.